Arbortech Allsaw - General Purpose Blades
This General Purpose Blade is used for the general cutting of bricks and mortar or general masonry cutting. Also used for cutting tree roots or wood in the ground through dirt and sand.
Resharpenable Tungsten Carbide Teeth
Depth: 4.5"(115mm)
Width: 9/32" (7.2mm)
- Tuckpointing
- Brick Removal
- Restoration
- Renovation
- Repairing Brick Walls
- Lintel Repairs
- Cutting Cement Block
- Historical Restoration
- House Repairs & Repointing
- Toothing Brickwork
- Chimney Repairs
- Chimney Repairs
- Installations of Vents, Registers etc
- Electrical Outlets
- Plumbing